Thursday, July 3, 2008

Will E Robo at West Palm Beach Improv Comedy Jamz Wednesdays

Last night I was at the West Palm Beach Improv where I was just going to take a minute to get my basic shot of a comedian on stage with the Improv sign behind him. Pretty much your basic run-of-the-mill shot except for the fact that I didn’t expect comedian Will E Robo was on stage. As I was going through the motions, checking the lighting did not want to cause distractions by moving too much, trying to quickly figure out his stage tendencies. Robo moved around quite a bit on stage so then my boring shot on stage when took on a new light as he would break into these characters and impressions as he moved across the stage. When I noticed that he had the audience rolling in laughter that boring shot on stage took me again in another direction, now I wanted to see if I could come up with a different shot of him going into these impressions and catch the audience in the background laughing. I got the photo, not quite happy with the overall quality because of the lighting and trying to capture the folks in the audience I had to really pushed the film to ASA 1600. Oh I forgot we don't use film any more and the grain in the digital world is called noise.

Will E Robo from Baltimore, Maryland is well known for his impressions of animals, entertainers, and characters. Will's stand up also includes sound effects that will truly amaze any audience. Will E has appeared on television shows such as the Apollo winning six times as an amateur, BET's comic view, Russell Simmons HBO def comedy jam and P. Diddy's Bad Boyz of Comedy.

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