Monday, August 31, 2009

Baby portrait

My first photography job was at a Sears’s portrait studio where I basically photographed children all day. This portrait of three month old Souleah was similar with the exception of not having a controlled environment and no props.

I initially was going to use a window as my main light with her laying down on her stomach in her parents bed and hoping that she could hold her head up long enough for me to get a good shot. That didn't work as good as I would have liked although Souleah was very attentive and bright eyed throughout the whole shoot but we could not get a smile out of her.

She was starting to get a little tired but her parent still wanted to get a smile out of her. The last photo was of her being held up by her father next to her baby crib which turned out to be the one I like the most, still couldn't get a smile but looks more like an environmental portrait. This was shot with one Vivitar 285 flash shot through a 42” umbrella as the main light and the window as the fill light.

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